graphic interventions

29 listopada - 1 grudnia 2024

cena: 600 zł*


Movement fuels thoughts. Thoughts give rise to words. Words influence movement. The cycle continues. Using paper, pens, and following simple scores, we will create simple line drawing, de/re/construct words to open up more possibilities for improvising with/in contact.
Each session will begin with physical solo practices, drawing on Material for the Spine, faux somatics, and a collated set of floor work I call the 90’s. The solo practices will be filtered through conceptual triads, to get us out of our bodies and into our heads. These triads will lead us into improvising in/with contact.
Moving towards the paper and pen, we will create different graphical representations of the triads to highlight and move through our physical/mental limitations. The permutational generation of acronyms is another avenue of exploration to find more improvising with/in contact.

Participants should have a firm understanding of CI fundamentals. Be open to watching and being watched; reflecting, sweating, and thinking.

Zajęcia prowadzi Andrew Wass
Andrew Wass blurs corporeal and cognitive practices to discover more potential in his teaching and performance practice. Performance and teaching opportunities have taken him to universities, festivals, and theaters in Europe, the United States and Asia. Wass has performed with Ray Chung, Jess Curtis, Nina Martin, Scott Wells, and Nancy Stark Smith. A member of Lower Left and a graduate of the SoDA program at the HZT in Berlin, Wass completed a PhD in Dance at Texas Woman’s University.

Dla kogo są te zajęcia?
Dla osób zainteresowanych improwizacją w obrębie improwizacji kontaktowej. Wymagana jest podstawowa znajomość techniki improwizacji kontaktowej. W razie wątpliwości skontaktuj się z nami.

Jeśli wpłata całości kwoty jednorazowo stanowi dla ciebie problem, możesz rozłożyć płatność na dwie raty po 300 zł. W takim przypadku prosimy o uprzedni kontakt mejlowy.

Cena dla osób uczestniczących w regularnych zajęciach sytuacji wynosi 550 zł. Jeśli jesteś taką osobą skontaktuj się z nami mejlowo.

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